Friday, July 2, 2010

New website!

New website...go see! and let me know what you think. Thanks! 

Monday, May 10, 2010


Wow, how time really does fly...Invitations are once again on my mind. Designing and redesigning them with no particular person in mind, just because is reason enough. Paper is just so incredible and the things one can do with it are staggering.

Yesterday was Mother's Day and happy happy to everybody who is and isn't a mommy. My two wished me love and my grandson called me. The day was very nice and quiet.

The only bummer was the Spurs vs Phoenix game. The Spurs lost. 'nuff said.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Paper, paper everywhere

Hello! As you might gather from the title, this will be a discussion about planting seeds in your paper garden, watching them grow and admiring the results!
To garden paper first locate a good source. A vendor who will let you look, feel, touch and supply samples whenever possible. Paper is expensive, so samples may not be possible. You may however, be able to buy paper by the sheet. It gives one an opportunity to experiment. Locate paper of every conceivable description, then you are ready to print, stamp, and decorate it with whatever little tidbits that can be located. The attitude must be that if you like it, somebody else will. With the advent of fab printers, it is very easy to produce a product that will please you and the recipient.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

My first trip to market was an eyeopener. There was so much to see, it was distracting. Luckily the person I was with had been there before, that helped. Floor after floor of stuff. I didn't need stuff, but at that point, I didn't know what I needed. My helper said "don't stop and look at everything,concentrate on what you really need for your store." That was such good advice, I tried to practice that every time I visited the market. If it doesn't belong, don't stop and look.

It is good advice for shopping paper as well. Good paper will make your product look glorious. If it is cheap, flimsy and not up to the job, don't look, keep on walking.